Thank you for your interest in joining the OAM as a vendor partner.
The OAM would not nearly be as strong and successful as it is without the generous support of our vendors. Here is a brief description of the history of the vendor partnership program, a list of the vendor partnership benefits and an application to join.
Vendor Partnership Program History:
Since 1997, the OAM has offered a corporate sponsorship program to all vendors wishing to demonstrate their support of our association. As an alternative approach to seeking support from companies on numerous occasions during the year for newsletter ads, display booths for several events, donations and so forth, we created the idea of an annual sponsorship. For a single annual contribution of $500 we have created what we hope you’ll agree is a more appealing option to support our association.
Due to the success of the program, our vendor partner program has continued to grow. The OAM Board of Directors has dedicated a three person committee to work with representatives from the vendor partners in developing new strategies and ideas as a means to continually improve this program.
Becoming A Vendor Partner to the OAM:
The annual fee for becoming an OAM Vendor Partner is the same as it was when we first offered the program in 1997.
Here is a complete list of the Vendor Partner Benefits (all for only $750):
All sponsors and their local representatives become Associate Members of OAM, thereby receiving OAM newsletters and all member correspondence.
MA Licensed opticians who are company representatives may attend CEC sessions free of charge.
All sponsors have an option to receive two (2) ”OAM Sponsor” Pins which can be worn by your salespeople. Our members have been advised to look for these pins. Please let us know if you are interested in participating in the pin program. Additional pins may be purchased for our cost of $8.00.
All sponsors, upon request, are entitled to a copy of the OAM membership list for their salespeople to use while making visits and calls upon accounts.
Our Letterhead includes a listing of our sponsors for the particular year.
OAM newsletters devote a separate page to listing our sponsors and requesting that our membership please support these vendors who support you. All member correspondence will note your sponsorship.
You will have the opportunity (if you desire) to display at any of our events throughout the year at no charge. A rectangular table will be provided for you either in the classroom setting or by the coffee break area and/or registration table.
All continuing education seminars will display a Poster Board and/or Tent Cards noting our sponsors and encouraging our participants to “Please support these sponsors who have helped make this day possible”.
At our Spring and Fall education meetings, each sponsor will be entitled to one Free Meal and formal recognition for those in attendance.
A Focus Meeting (at the annual meeting) to discuss improvements to our vendor sponsor program will be conducted involving our Board of Directors and representatives from each of our sponsors.
All sponsors will be listed on our website and offered a direct link to their company website. In addition to the listing, sponsors will have their own information page which may contain company highlights, local representative information and new product information which may be accessed by all members, opticians and browsers to the site.
All sponsors will receive a periodic newsletter specifically designed for our sponsors. In addition, sponsors will receive periodic information via our corporate sponsor email communication network.
All sponsors have an open invitation to attend any of our regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings. If you are interested, simply call our headquarters about 7 days prior to confirm your attendance.
Each Sponsor will have an opportunity to be personally introduced to our audience at all meetings.
$25 of your $500 contribution is set aside in a optician’s grant fund that is designed to assist opticians who would like to become an OAM member or attend one of our conferences but cannot afford to do so. Candidates for this opportunity will be identified by corporate sponsors and OAM directors. A committee will be designed to determine final recipients. Funds in the account at year end will be rolled over for use in the next year.